Welcome to FMScreener.com!
Introducing a much easier way to find qualified staff to fill your coaching positions. Instead of manually entering every attribute into a calculator, simply export the Football Manager view to a text file or an HTML file and upload it here. All data will automatically be processed and presented to you in a very user friendly manner.
This tool will work with FM13, FM14, and FM15 Older editions will not work due to several factors including formula and layout variations.
Current supported languages are:
English (UK)
English (US)
Norsk / Norwegian
Svensk / Swedish
Dansk / Danish
Italiano / Italian (Thanks to pauso!)
Português / Portuguese (Thanks to Tó_Madeira!)
Polski / Polish (Thanks to Marcin Prokopiak!)
Türkçe / Turkish (Thanks to Barış Özdağ!)
Český / Czech (Thanks to vikisko (FM Slovakia)!)
Français / French (Thanks to Marshall777!)
However, adding support for new languages is not hard at all, but to avoid mistakes I have decided to not do it myself, but hope there are kind souls out there that would like to help me with it. :-) Have a look at the contribute page to see more details. If you like to learn how to use this tool, have a look at the usage guides for more information. Also, make sure you take a look at the about page for information about the project, and refer to the contact page if you want to get in touch with me.
14th May 2015
I noticed today that I had completely forgotten to upload a coach screen view for FM15. I made one back when the game was released, but I must have forgotten to publish it. This is no longer the case. You can download it now in either RAR format or ZIP format.
5th December 2014
I am sorry for the late update on Football Manager 15 related news. I pre-ordered the game, but I never got around to play it - until now. I have been playing around with the calculator and from what I can tell the formulas have not changed for this release either. Sports Interactive have also finally fixed the Coach export bug in FM15.
I have however noticed two issues, one major and one minor. The major issue was that screening a coach search view did not work. This was due to a structural change Sports Interactive made on the exports. It should now have been fixed. The minor issue is that there are flag inconsistensies and flags missing. I am currently looking into updating them to reflect the FM15 release, hopefully without borking FM13 and FM14 support (there are some variations in the three letter country codes differences between versions.)
Have fun screening!22nd November 2013
I have created an interactive online calculator where you can calculate coach ratings without having to upload any files. I believe I was able to iron out most of the bugs, so if you happen to come across one I've missed, let me know!
7th November 2013
I've noticed today that Coach Views aren't parsed by the screener, and instead it just gives a generic HTTP 500 error. Unfortunately this is a bug with FM14 (as can be seen in this bug thread on the official forums), and it also has a low priority so a fix is not expected until February. I would suggest you use Search Views instead till this has been resolved by Sports Interactive.
On another note, I have been improving support for FM14 while keeping the support for FM13.
4th November 2013
I have added a Football Manager 14 fmview file to support the screener's Coach search view. I haven't been able to fully confirm that the screener has the correct formulas for FM14 just yet, but so far it seems to be ok. If you happen to discover anything out of the ordinary, do not hestitate to contact me!
Download the new FM14 pre-defined view here: RAR | ZIP
4th February 2013
I rewrote some parts of the usage guides as the Screener has had some changes to it. I also discovered that the previous GK rating formulas were incorrect, so I tweaked them and I believe that they are 100% accurate now. I borrowed the previous formulas from an XLS distributed by MisterW, but either he has got the formulas wrong or they have changed in an update.
28th January 2013
Added flags for Coach search view (where Nationality is present among the exported fields)
26th January 2013
I sat down and made some changes to the backend of the website. I wrote a time measurer for the backend that handles Search view uploads and was surprised by the results. It was very slow. I improved the code drastically and there should be much less delay now when uploading Search view files. I also mended a bug where files containing certain names were dropped.
I also made a couple of changes to the GUI. One involves how the star ratings are supplied, the other is background coloring to help find which coach has the best rating for a category. This color indicates the very best coaches in each category, while this color indicates the second best coaches.
7th January 2013
Turns out I had an error in my formulas. I had actually missed that the formulas for GK coaches had changed since FM2012. I have corrected this error and the output should be accurate.
Very sorry about this.
29th December 2012
Apologies for the long wait. I decided to rewrite the core as I wanted it to support an even easier method to screen coaches. Unfortunately, in combination with several development pitfalls and Christmas preparation/celebration, this took much long than expected.
The new feature: Instead of uploading a plethora of single files, you can download a staff search view and import it into FM and use that to search for new staff. Every export of this view can be exported with 20+ coaches and uploaded to FMScreener, which in turn will parse every single one saving you lots of time. Refer to the usage guide for this method for more information.
However, if you wish to upload single coach views, this is still possible. The screener accepts both formats.